E pluribus unum –"Out of many, one"   Statement of Candidacy Candidate ID : P40016180



Presidential Political Platform is only word:  Relationships.

Why relationships?  Every single thing related to humans is predicated upon relationships; from birth to work to death.

Presently, our country is in a political state we call RDAT:  (Relationships Discord and Turmoil).

Destructive relationships don't build confidence in politics, or any situation and or forum; they build chaos.

My candidacy is solutions based and relationships serve as the foundation for all national and international pursuits.

Political possibilities exist beyond reality for those open to believing a politican's WORDS can take ACTION and make the impossible happen.  Our politicans are generally; all hat and no cattle.  Lacking in structural integrity for being the President.

A Conniving man once said; "A fool and his vote is soon lost."

A Wise man once said; "A word to the wise is sufficient."

A Pondering man once said; "He who goes not with time goes with time."




Small town sensabilities with big city understanding and an international realization for the successful systemization of YoursTrelationship affiliations as discrete entities integrated into E Pluibus unum.

An expert in structural integrity; whether, constructing sentences, sounds, shapes, art, materials- micro & macro, people for success, strategies for systemizations, concepts for efficient operational executions; rest assured, Thomas Fuller is the competent one.

The first and only human to have created an entirely new educational pedagogy based upon his Uniformity of Uniqueness Theorem; the uniquely original results provide evidentiary proof of concept. 

A leader by position of being first, by position of oversight, by position of determination, by position of definition, by position of character. An expert leader in the practical production of results based proof.

A man of many facets and firsts.  Entrepreneur.  Inventor and innovator.  An inspiration of aspiration.

Thomas Fuller's political campaign is predicated upon this posting of my help wanted advertisement in our Monday newspaper's classified section.

No, not to present a resume to acquire the postion of President; I'm looking to hire:

Hire the power of the federal government as an employee to work in the job positon of empowering the people, for the production of generating an investment return of greatness.

Strength of the individual collective; as expressed in:  E pluribus unum - "Out of many, one."

And for those individuals with a mathemical analytical sense, you can say: power divided into economic and political sectors for the empowering thereof, multiplied by the people, equals greatness.

Simplicity is usually always a better form of communication for understanding. 

Simply, it can be stated as:  Power Enpowering AmerICAN Greatness..



An inspiration of aspiration!  A structural expert is one relationships between thought and knowledge. 

You'll hear politicians spout numbers and information about talking points their political consultants have schooled them to memorize and regurgitate, to make them appear to be knowledgeable.  Thomas Fuller is interested in the sail.

Memorized talking points aren't his expertise and his expertise isn't in data analytics and nor does he want it to be; so he'll leave the prerecorded messaging to the politicians.  They are interested in the sell.

Thomas Fuller is an expert in structure, systems and operational leadership and in the practical sense, the innovative leader

He relies on the expert data analytics of his staff to provide the data for assessment, which allows him to ask the pertinent and correct questions from which he ascertains the knowledge relationships for effective leadership decision-making.

Data is constantly changing, so why would the leader memorize it when an expert whom can be called on at any time for status reports?  He doesn't want to make you "think" he knows what he's talking about; Thomas Fuller will "show" you.

Leadership for him is the ability to understand the overall structure; in this instance (Executive, Legislative and Judicial), of an organization, the positions, purpose, mission and goal of each department for mission unification related to success.

It all goes back to the relationships in the structured building of: E Pluribus Unum.  He's an expert in the systemization of structures and structures are about the aggregation of knowledge relationships.

In its simplest form, structure is the relative relationship building between thought and knowledge.  Weak thought builds weak knowledge and weak knowledge builds weak relationships and weak relationships build dysfunction and chaos.

Geometry (a triangle to architecture represents strength), alphabet (26 letters build word structures), numbers and music notation systems are a few examples of structured knowledge applications.

Thought is a resultant of structure and structure is a resultant of thought.  Structure and thought are the alpha and omega in the building of knowledge relationships.

He's an expert in structures: mental, physical, micro and or macro, science or art, animate or inanimate, people and or postiions, organizations and operations for building knowledge relationships with and for desired mission oriented success.

Thomas Fuller is not a position filler, he's a system creator and overseer.  The President fills a position within the system and very few have the capability and competency to create new operational systems.  He can, has and does.

Thought and knowledge applications are the foremost and greatest necessary relationship structure for human survival.   

Yet, politicians can't build successful relationships in our country, but promises as candidates they are capable of doing so internationally.  Divorced, fired, fined, sued, among other relationship blunders and you want to lead us?

Weak thought builds weak knowledge and weak knowledge builds weak relationships and weak relationships build dysfunction and chaos. Structural engineers know and understand that building is about relationships.

Relationships are a President's most important characteristic and thus, he doesn't seek the presidency to fill the position.

Thomas Fuller's Presidency is to oversee the Federal Government to build national and internation relationships in the best interest of our mental and physical security and for monetary, financial, economic, governmental and society prosperity.

With the current political dysfunction, sometimes it takes a hot iron to remove wrinkles and he's prepared when and or if it's necessary.  Physically fit, but his athletic body has gotten a little softer with age (picture left-young; picture right-old*er).

The muscles went from his body to his head and now his big head is only because his brain structures exercise for his mental strength; not because of ego. (Click for proof showcasing his expertise as a structural expert).